Status of 2009 Scholarship Awards
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Submitted by: AdminAlex   Date: 2010-02-23 22:59
2009 Scholarships Status:
The “Judd Nelson Scholarship” - PASSED TO ALTERNATE 1
ALTERNATE 1: Ken Baker - Waiting on declaration of course/class to be taken
ALTERNATE 2: Tom Falkenberry

The “Floyd Daniel Scholarship” - PASSED TO ALTERNATE 1
ALTERNATE 1: Jim Guy - Class declared - taking "Trefoils, Trivets, and Traditional Joinery" at John C. Campbell at the end of August
ALTERNATE 2: Tony Mullins

The “Stan Strickland Scholarship”
WINNER: Tom Falkenberry - Intention declared - Looking for a good knifemaking class.
ALTERNATE 1: Tony Mullins
ALTERNATE 2: Andy Scott

The “John C. Campbell Scholarship”
WINNER: Andy Scott - Intention declared - Looking for a class of interest.
ALTERNATE 1: Tom Falkenberry
ALTERNATE 2: Houston White

We look forward to their demonstrations of the skills they will learn!
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