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Posts: 119
Location: United States Alpharetta
Occupation: Illustrator
Age: 38
#1   2016-11-02 22:28          
The Auburn Hometown Celebration is looking for a last minute demonstrator for this weekend the 5th. They had a person but he may not be able to make it now. If you are interested let me know and I can give you their contact info. Email me for info.
More on the event:
We would like to have at least one blacksmith (preferably more if folks are available!) to just demonstrate their craft. We would provide room for you to sell your crafts if you wish.
The event runs from 2-10 pm, however, once it gets dark, the demonstrators can leave if they need to. We will be having a street dance and a movie for the kids so it will go a while after dark.
"Get 'em while they're hot!"
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